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Photomaker is an image compression component that supports multiple processing methods, including Vuepress and command line. It supports various image formats such as JPG, GIF, and PNG.

Currently, it only supports Vuepress v2.x and command line.

Vuepress Usage



npm install photomaker --save-dev


yar add photomaker -D


pnpm add -D photomaker

how to use

// vuepress v2.x
// docs/.vuepress/client.ts
import { vuepressPhotomaker } from "photomaker";
export default defineUserConfig({
  plugins: [
        // you can set options here


// vuepress v2.x
// docs/.vuepress/client.ts
import { vuepressPhotomaker } from "photomaker";
export default defineUserConfig({
  plugins: [
        ext: 'jpg,png,gif',  // deal with jpg,png,gif
        webp: true,   // convert to webp
        quality: 80,
        resize: {
          width: 500,  
          height: 500,
          fit: "contain",
          background: "#ffffff00",


for Vuepress

Command line Usage


npm install photomaker -g

how to use

photomaker -i ./input -o ./output

Command Line Argument Description

i The path to be processed, required

o The output path, optional, default is photomaker

e The file format to be processed, optional, default is jpg, gin, jpeg, png

p Whether to convert to webp, optional, default is false

q The image compression quality, optional, default is 80

w The image scaling height, optional

h The image scaling width, optional

f The image scaling adaptation method, optional

b The image scaling background fill color, optional, default is black

For detailed parameter descriptions, please see the common parameter description below.

Config file

By default, photomaker will read the pmConfig.json file, which takes the highest priority. If this file exists, the command-line arguments will be ignored.

To create the pmConfig.json file, go to the current directory where photomaker will be executed, for example, /Users/xxx/project/ in macOS.

The content of the pmConfig.json file should be as follows:

    "input": "./input",
    "output": "./output",
    "webp": true,
    "quality": 80,
    "resize": {
        "width": 500,
        "height": 500,
        "fit": "contain",
        "background": "#ffffff00"

Common Argument Description

input A required string parameter that specifies the path to be processed. Note: Only supports command-line configuration file.

output An optional string parameter that specifies the output path. Default value is photomaker. Note: Only supports command-line configuration file.

ext An optional string parameter that specifies the image file format to be processed. Default value is jpg,jpeg,gif,png. For example, jpg means only jpg files will be processed.

quality An optional integer parameter that specifies the image compression quality. Default value is 80.

webp An optional boolean parameter that specifies whether to convert all png/gif/jpg formats to webp format. Default value is false.

resize An optional object parameter that specifies the image scaling process.

resize.width An optional integer parameter that specifies the width of the image after scaling.

resize.height An optional integer parameter that specifies the height of the image after scaling. An optional string parameter that specifies the scaling adaptation method. Default value is cover, other options include contain, fill, inside, outside.

If both width and height are provided, the following methods can be used to fit the image to these dimensions:

resize.background An optional string parameter that specifies the background color to be used when the fit option is set to contain and there is extra space. Default value is black (#000000).

Only hexadecimal colors are supported:

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